Archive for May, 2013


I went gallery hopping this morning after my tea and chocolate chip cookie treat time. Well, actually I went strolling through some art galleries since I’m way past hopping. Anyway, it was a gorgeous day so I decided to do my walk on Canyon Road here in Santa where we have lots and lots of wonderful art.

Besides enjoying my hour of leisurely looking, I wondered how so many artists could turn out work worthy of being in a gallery and then I thought that it is amazing so many of the galleries can stay in business during this poor economy, but the majority of them seem to have hung in there.

I had an art gallery in Sherman Oaks, Brentwood Village and on Montana Avenue in the Los Angeles area (not all at the same time). This was in the 1980’s when Santa Fe and American Indian arts and crafts were all the rage. I sold jewelry, sculptures, wall art, pottery and many other beautiful things made by Native Americans. I had the business for twelve years and then there was a big earthquake and then my husband retired and then I sold my business, so we moved to Santa Fe.

I think it’s fun to find out how people’s lives have evolved. Sometimes you just end up doing something you had no intention of doing. When I was working at my husband’s advertising agency, he and his partner sold to a big firm. The wife was not part of the deal. I was out of work. At almost the same moment, I met someone socially who was selling real estate. She convinced me to give it a try. I ended up doing that for seven years until I was sick of it. I quit. Almost immediately, I saw story in the newspaper about Indian market in Santa Fe that is a huge fair-like event held every August in the Plaza. Off we went for a weekend that changed our lives.

In November of that year, we drove all over the Navajo Reservation in Arizona and visited trading posts. By the following January, I had a booth at an American Indian Show and Sale in Pasadena, California. That was the start of my business. It sort of built itself from there since I had no idea what I was doing. I named it Two Bears.

We made many visits to Santa Fe on buying trips, finally deciding that when we retired, we’d move here. Anyway, this is the long road we took to a life in this great little city where we have lived since 1995.

I met three women today in a gallery who were visiting here for the first time and when I told them that I live here, they were very envious. If you have never been here, you should make it a point to visit. I know of no one who has ever regretted seeing the country’s oldest continually occupied city.

By the way, Santa Fe is in New (new) Mexico. No USA passport needed.

You can get a great 2013 Summer Guide to Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico with the title “Bienvenidos” from The New Mexican newspaper.

There is no COMING NEXT. I’ve had a long fun run here but I’m off to do other things.
Thanks for dropping by from time to time.


I thought of something this morning while drinking my new healthy tea and eating my more healthy chocolate chip cookie. So? you may think. She always says she thinks about something while enjoying her morning beverage and sweet. Well, the thing this morning is that I wondered if everyone “gets” what I write since so much of it is tongue in cheek and may require that you see me wink or put an elbow in your ribs.

I grew up in a family that teased and told jokes a lot. My mom was funny without really meaning to be. My godmother was a huge tease (not mean). My dad brought home jokes all the time from the place where he worked. Many were X-rated. My grandpa lived with us and he loved a good joke, too.

I’ve carried out the joking tradition to the point that when my son was in nursery school, the teacher told me that he got along very well with the other children except that his sense of humor was so sophisticated, the other kids often didn’t get it.

Humor is a really general term. All kinds of activities and moods fall under that word, but to me it is when something is funny or at least amusing. Getting to that place can involve something that might seem mean–like a person falling. See how complicated it is? It’s one thing to see someone fall when they intend to amuse and quite another when someone falls by accident. If she gets up and winks, you can feel free to laugh.

Humor usually involves exaggeration. Think about things that amuse you. Aren’t they usually over the top? My grandpa used to drop out his false teeth in front of my boyfriends. It was very embarrassing to me, but also “cracked us up.”

Humor can make you hysterical or you may just smile. The great thing about humor is that it makes us feel better. It’s not only fun to laugh; it is a healthy activity. (I’ve already done a blog about laughter being the best medicine.)

I try to use humor a lot when working with the young children in my reading program. Early on, I realized that children need to be exposed to humor as much as to any other subject that helps them live happily in this world. They do understand their own kind of humor, which sometimes baffles me. Farting, of course, is a sure hysterical moment. Someone wrote a children’s book about a farting dog. I think it made the New York Times bestseller list once. Anyway, I love hearing laughter in my classroom.

Okay, so I got a little serious today about being funny. Then how’s this for a sign off–remember the one about the three old guys in a bar who…..

COMING NEXT: On Becoming Cranky


Give yourself a pat on the back if you recognize that the title of this blog also appears in my book “Ticked Off And Tickled About It.” Well, people say that if you’re going to steal words, take it from the best! Okay, so humility is not one of my virtues.

I’ve already enjoyed my green tea and oatmeal cookie this morning. Pick yourself up off the floor, of course I added apple cinnamon tea, and chocolate chunks to the cookies. I want to be healthy not crazy.

Yesterday, I had my hair cut by a new-to-me beautician. This man had cut my hair a month ago but at that time I didn’t notice anything he did because I was holding my breath and keeping my eyes shut. I’ve been to too many beauticians over the years to trust that my hair will turn out the way I want it.

Since he did a good job, I not only returned, I studied his technique. He works in a completely different way than the last person did, but the cut turns out looking just the same. I can’t figure out how that happens.

I’ve been using hair growing stuff because in my opinion, after a certain age, about all you’ve got going for you is your hair. Try as you may, your hair is not going to look as it did when you’d not yet reached age 50, and unless you received incredible genes, your skin is going to develop things you never wanted, such as wrinkles. Never mind that your body has a mind of its own and Pilates can help but it’s not a miracle.

Hair is such funny stuff. When I was a kid, I was technically a redhead, but my childhood friends have said that along the way, my hair was once pink, then orange, then really red, then auburn. Also somewhere along the line, the curls turned into straight as a string. And I should mention that my hair is now snow white.

We don’t have much control over what our hair does except to feed it vitamins, color it and cut it or let it grow long. Oh, yes, people used to curl their hair, but not much any more. People also used to comb their hair, but not much any more. For young women, it seems that quite long, very straight and messy is the style. Also they often have hair dangling over the eyes. I have first grade girls in my class who deliberately want the hair to hang down in their eyes, just like their mother’s.

Sorry, I forgot to mention braids, pony tails, and other ways to change the look with hair. Braids were called pig tails when I was a little girl and my mom loved to fix my hair that way sometimes. I liked the pretty ribbons she tied on the bottom.

Here’s something worth mentioning– the current major mystery in the world of hair is on the head of The Donald (Trump). Vanity Fair and Time each have an article about this important comb-over situation and you can find it solved in their articles on the internet. This so valuable information has been provided as a public service from your Tea With The Tickled Lady blog.

COMING NEXT: Tongue In Cheek